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Lycra bed sock from displays a sheet that wraps around the whole bed to provide resistance to the sleeper.

Lycra Bed Sock - King

SKU: BOD-005Hot PinkDS

Therapeutic uses for Bed Socks include Self-Regulation and Body Awareness. Bed Socks can be beneficial for Sleep and Behavior.

Lycra Bed Socks are the perfect calming, therapeutic tool to help individuals by providing deep pressure input that helps to calm an over stimulated nervous system. Lycra Bed Socks slip over the mattress and is open ended. Even when sleeping the Bed Sock is providing therapeutic pressure over the body. As the user moves, the Bed Sock can make the body self aware promoting sleep and calming an overstimulated nervous system.

How do they help? The compression bed sheet works by providing sensory input even when asleep. As the user moves around in the bed, the fabric provides gentle pressure against the skin and joints creating a calming effect over the body encouraging a more restful sleep. Each sock is open ended so that the user is able to move freely while in bed.

Beneficial For:  ADHD, Sleep issues, Restless Sleepers, Autism, Separation Anxiety, Sensory Seekers

Made from quality Lycra. Each Bed Sock is created with only 1 seam to make sure the strength and integrity of the sheet is maintained.

Beneficial For:  ADHD, Sleep issues, Restless Sleepers, Autism, Separation Anxiety, Sensory Seekers