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TherapySensory Personal Kit B - in cool colours. Contains 4 inch tin of Crazy Aarons Thinking Putty, Pom Pom ball (rubber), liquid timer, fidget cuber, two pop its and a crypto bite chew necklace.

Personal Sensory Kit B - Cool Colours

SKU: KIT-005

This Personal Sensory kit has a great selection of items for both sensory seeking and sensory calming. This particular kit comes in predominantly cooler colours – blue/green/black/grey. There may be an opportunity to swap out colours if you prefer another depending on the product range. Just let us know in the message box when completing your sale.

Each Personal Sensory Kit contains a variety of products for both stimulation and relaxation.

  • Pom pom ball 
  • Chewable Necklace bar
  • Fidget cube 
  • 4 inch Crazy Aarons Thinking Putty 
  • Spiral timer
  • Added bonus a couple of free mini pop-its.

Each Personal Sensory Kit contains a variety of products for both stimulation and relaxation.

  • the pom pom ball is an excellent texture to hold in your hand, it is fun to throw. It is very popular with Occupational Therapist when they play games of tag as when it is thrown and hits someone, it is a soft hit.
  • The Necklace bar is a nice generic style that can be added to with a few beads or just worn on its own. It is perfect for people who like to chew things as it is worn around the neck with a safety clasp on the lace to inhibit choking. It is a firm chew and quiet satisfying, without damaging clothing or other jewelry not designed for chewing.
  • The fidget cube has a different type of fidget on each side, and doesn't make noise so can be used practically anywhere. 
  • The 4 inch Crazy Aarons Thinking Putty is very popular, the texture is unique. Crazy Aaron who invented this stuff, knew what he was doing, he made the textures addictive to squeeze, mold, stretch and play with. 
  • The spiral timer is one of the most popular timers, all though we have a massive range of timers, the spiral timer tends to gain a lot of attention as the little droplets wind their way down the spiral to the bottom. Turn it upside down and start again. As with all oil timers, they are not set by a time limit but by the weather. A hot day will make them run faster, and a cold day slower, keep them in the fridge if you want to make them run slower.
  • Added bonus a couple of free popits.


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