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Speks geode from shown in red lava colour

SPEKS - Geode

SKU: SPE-Geode-4

The Geode is a manipulative sensory tool designed to support the development of fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, visual-spatial reasoning, and self-regulation.  The 12 interlocking pentagons provide tactile and proprioceptive input as they are manipulated and connected, offering a rich sensory experience.  The distinct snapping mechanism provides satisfying auditory feedback, reinforcing successful connections and enhancing sensory integration.  Constructing various shapes and designs with the Geode fosters creativity, problem-solving abilities, and visual-motor integration.  The portability of the individual pentagons allows for discreet fidgeting, either with the assembled Geode or with individual or grouped pieces, making it a versatile tool for self-regulation in various settings.  Manipulating the Geode, such as flipping the plates within the fingers, can be a calming and focusing activity, potentially reducing stress and improving attention and concentration, particularly for teenagers and adults in work or academic environments.  The modular design offers a wide range of manipulative possibilities, thereby promoting fine motor dexterity, bilateral coordination, and in-hand manipulation skills.


– 12 plastic pentagons

– 60 neodymium rare earth magnets

Warning! This product contains small magnets which can stick across intestines causing serious injury or death if swallowed. Discard if magnets become loose. Seek immediate medical attention if magnets are swallowed or inhaled. Keep away from all children.

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