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TherapySensory Fine Motor Skills Kit SALE

Fine Motor Skills Kit

$25.00 $30.00
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SKU: KIT-002

Fine Motor Skills are such an important part of everyday life. Many of our children with special needs have problems in this area. Occupational Therapists will often recommend exercises to do at home to improve these skills. Fine Motor Skills are the ability to make movements using the small muscles in our hands and wrists. We rely on these skills to do key tasks in school, work, and in everyday life. Fine Motor Skills are complex and involve a coordinated effort between the brain and muscles.

Fine Motor Skills Kit Contains:

  • Mini Stretch Figure (pack of 3)
  • Wooden Puzzle Stick
  • Water Phone Game
  • Mini 4 In-a-Line Game
  • Pop-n-Slide Ball
  • Spinning Top
  • Lacing Puzzle
  • 2 x Pop Disc

Colours and animals chosen at random.

Here are some examples of when we use fine motor skills:

  • Holding a pen or pencil
  • Drawing pictures and writing neatly
  • Using a keyboard
  • Using scissors, rulers, and other tools

People also need fine motor skills to do daily tasks like getting dressed and brushing their teeth.