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Respiratory Kit - Therapy Sensory. Showing a blowing train tool, build a straw, touchabubbles and a balloon ball bubble.

Respiratory Tools Kit

SKU: KIT-007

A Respiratory Tool kit is often recommended by Speech and Occupational Therapists. They are used to exercise the mouth muscles and build oral strength, endurance, mobility, and control. Often used for children who are non-verbal or with speech impediments. Great fun and excellent for expanding the lungs and breath.

A Respiratory Tool kit is often recommended by Speech and Occupational Therapists. They are used to exercise the mouth muscles and build oral strength, endurance, mobility, and control. Often used for children who are non-verbal or with speech impediments. Great fun and excellent for expanding the lungs and breath.

Kit contains 1 each of the following:

Colours selected at random.

Train Floating Ball Gamer
Balloon Buddies
Toucha bubbles
Build a straw